JUDICIARY Latest Features

Mediation Sensitization & Training Opens in Fort Portal
Participants at the Mediation Training held in Fort Portal

The Judiciary has started on a week-long Mediation training exercise targeting judicial officers, civic and religious leaders in Tooro region.

The training which is taking place at Kalya Courts has attracted participants from Kyenjojo, Kamwenge, Bunyangabu, Kyegegwa, Ntoroko and Kabarole.

Hon.Justice David K. Wangutusi, the head of the Commercial Court and lead facilitator for the training, in his opening remarks said that given the high number of cases in the system, Alternative Dispute Resolution is one way of reducing backlog.

He said the training is designed to equip participants with skills and knowledge in settling disputes amicably.

More than 140 participants taking part in the week-long training said the skills will help them resolve conflicts in their communities.

Posted 19th, March 2018
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